Enhanced Verifiable CE / CPD Certificates
Dentaljuce records the time you spend on educational pages when you are logged in. Not all pages count towards CE/CPD: for example this page is not added to your totals, as it is not a dental education page.
If your mouse is inactive for a couple of minutes, recording pauses. It restarts when the mouse moves again. This is to allow for breaks during your visit here, without the potential criticism from regulatory authorities that the computer might have been recording accidentally while you were away from it. Also ensure that your browser has cookies enabled.
Recording status for CPD pages is shown on the bar at the bottom of the page.
To ensure the pages are correctly recorded, make sure you sign out using the Sign Out button on the page top-right. This causes the last page you have visited to be logged. If you close the browser while you are signed in, this final record will be lost. CLICK HERE to access your verifiable CE/CPD records. |