Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

How does Dentaljuce meet the GDC Quality Requirements for Enhanced CPD?

The UK General Dental Council requires UK dental professionals to meet their requirements for enhanced verifiable CPD as outlined in their web site HERE. Part of this advice directs registants to ensuring the CPD provider they choose has rigorous quality controls in place.

The detail of their advice is regularly changed and updated, and Dentaljuce ensures it continues to meet and exceed the GDC's Quality Assurance requirements as a leading provider of Enhanced CPD.



GDC Requirement
How met by Dentaljuce
Documentary evidence that the dentist or DCP has undertaken the CPD
Dentaljuce CPD Certificates provide documentary evidence that the dentist or DCP has undertaken the CPD
Documentary evidence that the CPD has concise educational aims and objectives
Dentaljuce CPD Certificates contain concise educational aims and objectives
Documentary evidence that the CPD has clear anticipated outcomes
Dentaljuce CPD Certificates contain clear anticipated outcomes
Documentary evidence that the CPD has quality controls.
Dentaljuce CPD Certificates contain a statement that quality controls have been applied by Dentaljuce CPD Providers Ltd, as in the tables below.

Quality controls that should be applied before CPD is undertaken by dentists and PCDs

GDC Requirement
How met by Dentaljuce
Pre-CPD quality controls by a CPD provider could include:
Educational governance policy
Dentaljuce's educational governance policy is available on request.
Equality and diversity policy
Dentaljuce's equality and diversity policy is available on request.
CPD needs assessment
Dentaljuce provides a free and openly available PDP planner for members and potential members to use for creating a needs assessment prior to selecting and undertaking CPD, which may or may not be provided by Dentaljuce.
Peer reviewed content
All Dentaljuce educational content is reviewed by academic staff from the University of Birmingham School of Dentistry.
Linking content to GDC Standards
Where appropriate, Dentaljuce educational pages refer to GDC standards, and additionally, Dentaljuce provides a complete educational module designed to help its members understand how to meet each standard HERE.
Delivery of evidence-based content
Dentaljuce educational content is evidence based, and where appropriate the evidence sources are listed. When conflicting evidence exists, this is normally discussed within the learning pages.
Policies and procedures to avoid commercial bias
Dentaljuce's Commercial Bias policy is available on request.
Appropriate recruitment and selection of those delivering CPD
Dentaljuce's recruitment and selection of educators policy is available on request.
Integration of pre-existing feedback
Dentaljuce's Course Feedback and Evaluation Policy is available on request.
In addition to free-text and formal structured course feedback at the end of every module, every Dentaljuce educational page gives the opportunity to provide a page "star rating". All feedback is examined by Dentaljuce staff, and any appropriate changes that would benefit the site are made as soon as possible.
Accurate advertising and marketing
Dentaljuce's Advertising and Marketing policy is available on request.
Transparency of verifiable criteria
This is detailed in Dentaljuce's Educational Governance Policy, which is available on request. Only pages that meet the GDCs requirements for Enhanced CPD contribute to your CPD time.

Quality controls that should be applied while CPD is being undertaken by dentists and PCDs
GDC Requirement
How met by Dentaljuce
Quality control during a CPD activity by a CPD provider could include:
Implementation of an equality and diversity policy
Dentaljuce's equality and diversity policy is available on request.
Robust methods in place to confirm attendance and complete participation by attendees
See our "measuring" page HERE
Methods to monitor and evaluate content delivery
Our content is all delivered online after going through strict quality control measures, so unlike attended courses, we don't need to worry about whether our educator is below par on the day of the lecture.
Documentary evidence of aims, objectives, anticipated learning outcomes and quality controls provided to every participant for them to keep
Dentaljuce CPD certificates give all this information.
Content relating to anticipated learning outcomes throughout delivery
All Dentaljuce educational content is based on the module's learning outcomes.
Opportunities for participant reflection during activity
Dentaljuce has hundreds of reflection moments - every module has "pause points" in the form of reflective questions designed to activate the brain and get you thinking. And if you are not sure, the answer is available immediately you want it.
Assessment of learning
As you learn, you have the regular opportunity to answer both computer-marked MCQs and self-marked short-answer questions. Your score is constantly available and immediately updated with each one you get right.
Accurate measurement of duration of CPD activity
See our "measuring" page HERE

Quality controls that should be applied after CPD has been undertaken by dentists and PCDs
GDC Requirement
How met by Dentaljuce
Quality control after a CPD activity by a CPD provider could include:
Participant evaluation methods
Dentaljuce provides many ways to feed back: you can use our "Contact Us" page (link available at the bottom of every page), the built-in quick feedback boxes in every page, and the formal end-of-module evaluation forms. And if that's not enough, you can email us at [email protected]
Post-delivery evaluation
Every educational module has a structured feedback form at the end of the module.
A complaints procedure
Dentaljuce's complaint handling policy is available on request.

Membership Options

Dentaljuce offers a range of membership options…

Regular Membership

With enhanced CPD Certificates. Dentaljuce is brought to you by the award winning Masters team from the School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, UK. All have won awards for web based learning and teaching and are recognised as leaders and innovators in this field, as well as being highly experienced clinical teachers. Full access to over 150 courses, no extras to pay.

Buy Now

£89.00 per year

Student Membership

No Certificates. With universities cutting down on traditional lectures, many students are currently having to rely more on online resources. If you don't need CPD Certificates, we are offering an amazing discount on your Dentaljuce personal membership fee. Special student price just £29 for 12 months individual membership.

Buy Now

£29.00 per year

Just when I thought Dentaljuce couldn't get any better, they introduced Dr. Aiden. What a brilliant concept!

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Recording CPD time: recorded.