Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

ORE - Overseas Registration Examination
LDS RCS - The Licence in Dental Surgery

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Personal Development Plan

Posterior Composite: Step-by-step guide

Endo Animated Sequences

Occlusion made easy

Many overseas dentists wishing to work in the UK need to pass a registration examination. There are two routes to UK registration:

• The ORE: run by the UK General Dental Council
• The LDS RCS exam: run by the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Only one of the two needs to be taken and passed: it is your choice which.

Dentaljuce has a wealth of information to help you pass these examinations. Many of the pages are authored by trained ORE tutors highly experienced in teaching the skills needed to pass the exam.

Check out our Mock Exams: 1,200 MCQs copying the format and difficulty of the actual ORE Part 1A and 1B exams.

As well as the theoretical info needed, dentaljuce gives step by step guides on completing the mannequin tests how the examiners like it – check out the list at dentaljuce.com/lab-simulations and have a look at our open page on the 3/4 crown prep at dentaljuce.com/lab-simulations--34-gold-crown-prep-upper-1st-premolar

If you are thinking of getting your own phantom head jaws for practice, check out our open page on Choosing and Using Simulation Jaws. This includes info on how to mount real teeth into a plastic jaw.

Do your eyes glaze over when trying to read text books? Dentaljuce challenges you to think and remember – our facts are delivered as questions with model answers

from our medical emergencies pages...

You have just given a nerve-block local anaesthetic injection to an elderly patient who is worried about her dental visit. She did not sleep well, and has not eaten much today. Her medical history indicates she is taking oral medication to control mild diabetes, and thyroxine for hypothyroidism. Otherwise nil relevant.

As you withdraw the needle, says she is feeling a bit strange and light headed. Her breathing appears to be normal as she says this.

What are the possible causes at this stage?

What is the first thing you should do?

A few moments later, she becomes unresponsive. You shake her and ask if she is all right, but there is no response.
What do you do next?

... and MCQs ...

Which post-hole design provides the most acceptable anti-rotation effect?

... and much much more !!!

Check out our full list of topics HERE and sign up at this amazingly low price!

We hope you will let us help you pass your LDS / ORE, and whether you join us or not, we wish you the best of luck on the day.

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With enhanced CPD Certificates. Dentaljuce is brought to you by the award winning Masters team from the School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, UK. All have won awards for web based learning and teaching and are recognised as leaders and innovators in this field, as well as being highly experienced clinical teachers. Full access to over 150 courses, no extras to pay.

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£89.00 per year

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£29.00 per year

I was skeptical about AI, but Dr. Aiden has proven its worth. It really is like having a personal tutor.

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