Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

Lab Simulations
Phantom Head Jaws and Teeth

If you are considering buying phantom head jaws for practising restorations, this page has the juce. It shows how to put real extracted teeth into the jaws so you can practise caries identification, bonding etc, as well as practice cutting the plastic teeth. At Dentaljuce we are keen on the Kavo jaws. Up to 25% discount is available if you go via your UK Primary Care Trust, or you are a student.

Kavo is now a subsidiary of Kerr, and the teeth/jaws can be ordered through dental dealers that can provide Kerr equipment.


Real tooth in a phantom head jaw
click to magnify

Slide show: Phantom Head Tooth Mounting.

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With enhanced CPD Certificates. Dentaljuce is brought to you by the award winning Masters team from the School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, UK. All have won awards for web based learning and teaching and are recognised as leaders and innovators in this field, as well as being highly experienced clinical teachers. Full access to over 150 courses, no extras to pay.

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£29.00 per year

It has to be the best value CPD around, and probably the most useful. Many thanks.

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