Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

New to UK General Dental Practice?
An essential guide for the newly qualified, returning to practice,
and new to working in the UK

If you have recently started working in the UK as a dental professional, there's a lot to learn about rules and regs, and many topics that you have to know about in detail. Most of these rules apply to both NHS and Private Practice

The Dentaljuce essential guide starts here, taking you to our interactive learning modules on each topic. The time you spend with each module is recorded as Verifiable CPD, and you can print certificates for the GDC, your Deanery, and your own CPD Portfolio

The role of the GDC, and Standards for Dental Professionals

The GDC sets rules about how you must behave as a dental professional, both when at work and in your private life. We take you through all the rules using case examples: you decide if the rules are being broken.


The GDC has made this a mandatory vCPD topic. Our module takes you through the complicated issues of consent in the United Kingdom, and sets what you learn into its relevant ethical and legal framework.

Complaints Management

The GDC has set out specific guidelines for how a patient complaint should be dealt with. We show examples from the news of complaints that have gone out of control, and take you to the documentation that governs what you must do.

Personal Development Plans

Pretty well compulsory if you are working in the NHS, and a very good idea even if you are Private. A PDP helps you to determine where you are now, where you aim to go and lets you identify the actions you need to take to get there. Our PDP Engine helps you set up a downloadable PDP with Goals and Actions: as you complete the Actions you fill in your PDP with the dates and the problems anticipated and encountered.

Clinical Governance and Clinical Audit

A potentially confusing topic that is clearly explained step by step. You will learn what CG is about, and how to create a CG Portfolio for yourself or for your Practice. You will discover how Clinical Audit can help you meet your CG requirements, and you will design and undertake an online audit of radiographs. By the end of this module you will know how to conduct Clinical Audits as a routine part of your everyday work.

Health and Safety

The three big Health and Safety issues in Dentistry are Cross-infection Control, Radiation Safety, and Managing/Preventing Medical Emergencies. We have extensive modules on all three which will bring you up to speed on the latest rules and recommendations.

Cross-infection Control
Learn the basic science that underpins this important topic, and how it is applied in the busy dental practice setting. Complete with a guide to HTM01-05.

Radiography and Radiological Protection
Covering the Physics, Biology, Practical and Legal aspects of radiography and radiological protection, this module provides you with the theoretical background needed for your IR(ME)R certification as well as your compulsory CPD.

Medical Emergencies  
With an increasingly elderly population, the probability of an emergency in the Practice is ever increasing. Our module not only helps you learn how to manage emergencies - it gives advice about the precautions you can take with various patients to prevent the emergency happening by using their Medical History as a risk-management tool.

Practice Health & Safety
This module will take you through the steps required by the Health and Safety Executive, and help you make sure you have done what you need to.

Membership Options

Dentaljuce offers a range of membership options…

Regular Membership

With enhanced CPD Certificates. Dentaljuce is brought to you by the award winning Masters team from the School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, UK. All have won awards for web based learning and teaching and are recognised as leaders and innovators in this field, as well as being highly experienced clinical teachers. Full access to over 150 courses, no extras to pay.

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£89.00 per year

Student Membership

No Certificates. With universities cutting down on traditional lectures, many students are currently having to rely more on online resources. If you don't need CPD Certificates, we are offering an amazing discount on your Dentaljuce personal membership fee. Special student price just £29 for 12 months individual membership.

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£29.00 per year

Very good, detail excellent, very clear to use.

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Recording CPD time: recorded.