Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

Team Enhanced Verifiable CPD
Training in your Practice with Dentaljuce

Your whole team can earn enhanced verifiable CPD with Dentaljuce, even if only one of you is a member, with in-house team training sessions that use Dentaljuce educational content to guide the meeting.

Dentaljuce provides all participants in team training sessions with enhanced CPD Certificates conforming to the UK General Dental Council rules introduced in 2018.

How it works.

1. Decide a topic, then book a time and date in your Practice Diary for the staff training session.
This could be your regular staff meeting, or a special session of extra training, like a radiography refresher.

2. Log in to Dentaljuce
At the start of the meeting, the Dentaljuce member signs in, and goes to e.g. the Radiography Module. The member is the official Course Organiser.

3. Use the Dentaljuce Q & A format to guide the meeting.
Use the Dentaljuce Aims & Objectives, or create your own to structure the meeting. Invite discussion and questions from the group, and see if your answers agree with the Dentaljuce answers.

4. Print off the CPD Certificates.
At the end of the session, the Course Organiser enters the session details, then downloads and prints off enhanced CPD certificates and associated paperwork for each participant.

5. Sign the certificates and invite feedback.
The Course Organiser signs each certificate to confirm attendance. Use the pre-printed feedback forms that come with the certificates to ensure that the participants let you know how the session went.

Have you just run a Team Training Course? Are you about to?
Click Here to get the enhanced CPD Certificates

More info -

Dentaljuce Team Training is ideal for all members of the team, in both small and large groups. Your CPD session can involve as few as two, or as many as 20 staff.

• For Dental Foundation Trainers (ES) and FDs: provides a robust portfolio record.
• Induction for new staff: Cross Infection, IR(ME)R, Emergencies etc etc.
• Refresher courses for the whole Practice.
• Dentist-Nurse pairings to revise individual dental procedures.

No computer in the staff room? Use dentaljuce on your phone or tablet to help you lead the meeting.

To get the most from a Dentaljuce Team Training Course, we recommend that the Dentaljuce Member plans ahead by logging in to Dentaljuce and revising the topic to be covered. Add pages you want to use to your browser "Favourites".

The Dentaljuce Team enhanced CPD Certificates include a Course Summary for the Practice Clinical Governance Portfolio, a copy for the Course Organiser, individual enhanced CPD certificates for all the participants, and course feedback forms.

Membership Options

Dentaljuce offers a range of membership options…

Regular Membership

With enhanced CPD Certificates. Dentaljuce is brought to you by the award winning Masters team from the School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, UK. All have won awards for web based learning and teaching and are recognised as leaders and innovators in this field, as well as being highly experienced clinical teachers. Full access to over 150 courses, no extras to pay.

Buy Now

£89.00 per year

Student Membership

No Certificates. With universities cutting down on traditional lectures, many students are currently having to rely more on online resources. If you don't need CPD Certificates, we are offering an amazing discount on your Dentaljuce personal membership fee. Special student price just £29 for 12 months individual membership.

Buy Now

£29.00 per year

I cannot believe how brilliant this site is. I have passed Part 1 of the MJDF exam, and it will help so much for my Part 2. The animations, videos and content in general is just brilliant. Thank you.

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Recording CPD time: recorded.