Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

Ethics and Law

Welcome to the Dentaljuce course on Healthcare Ethics and Law, a very important course for understanding the decision-making processes in healthcare

This module is designed to look at the complex world of ethical and legal considerations in healthcare, providing dental professionals with the tools to navigate challenging situations with confidence and clarity.

The course begins with an exploration of the fundamental theories of ethics, including Utilitarianism, Deontology, Virtue Theory, and Pragmatism. These frameworks lay the groundwork for understanding the diverse perspectives that can arise in healthcare decisions.

We then examine the key principles of ethics such as Non-Maleficence, Beneficence, Autonomy, and Justice, examining how these principles guide professional conduct and patient care.

A essential component of this course is the focus on negligence law, a very important aspect for all healthcare professionals. Topics like causation, disclosing alternative treatments, and the shift from medical paternalism to a more patient-centred approach to consent are covered in depth. The course also looks ahead to the future of negligence law and touches upon the ethical considerations surrounding unethical human experimentation.

Interactive self-assessment sections are integrated throughout the module to reinforce your understanding and application of these important concepts.

By the end of this course, you will be better equipped to defend your healthcare decisions using established ethical and legal arguments, enhancing your professional practice and patient care.

If you're not yet a member of Dentaljuce, we highly recommend you to join and gain access to our comprehensive course on ethics and law.

This course, along with over 100 other CPD courses, is available for a single membership payment.

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The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this Dentaljuce module is to allow learners to understand the role of ethical reasoning in the healthcare environment.

Course objective

  • to provide the learner with the core of knowledge and the understanding necessary to make ethical decisions in their daily practice.

Anticipated learning outcomes:

The learner will, with respect to the components that he or she has elected to study as listed below:
  • have an understanding of the main ethical theories underpinning heathcare: Utilitarianism, Deontology, Virtue theory and Pragmatism.
  • Understand the concepts of Non-maleficence, Beneficence, Autonomy and Justice.
  • have an understanding of how these concepts relate to practical heathcare.
  • through achieving these outcomes, provide an improved level of service to their patients.

GDC Development Outcomes
This CPD will support the learner in meeting the following GDC Development Outcome(s): A, B, D.

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It has to be the best value CPD around, and probably the most useful. Many thanks.

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