Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham


Occlusion just means the contacts between teeth. This simple definition belies the apparent complexity of the subject, which involves teeth, periodontal ligament, temporo-mandibular joint, muscles and bone all acting as a system in three dimensions.

This Dentaljuce Occlusion module provides an introduction to the apparently complicated subject of occlusion. We clear the confusion by presenting a foundation that makes the topic easy to understand.

We concentrate on the regular clinical aspects that affect everyday dentistry using a common sense approach.

If you're not yet a member of Dentaljuce, we highly recommend you to join and gain access to our comprehensive course on Occlusion.

This course, along with over 100 other CPD courses, is available for a single membership payment.

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The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this Dentaljuce module is to allow learners to develop their professional knowledge, understanding and competence in the field of occlusion, in line with their identified personal learning requirements.

Course objective

  • to introduce the concepts of occlusion as applied to restorative dentistry.

Anticipated learning outcomes:

The learner will:
  • learn the concepts that underpin modern occlusal theory.
  • apply these concepts to the management/treatment of patients.
  • through extensive and detailed step-by-step guides, learn techniques for simulating the orthognathic system on an adjustable articulator.
  • through achieving these outcomes, provide an improved level of service to their patients.

GDC Development Outcomes
This CPD will support the learner in meeting the following GDC Development Outcome(s): C, D.

This content is only available to members


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With enhanced CPD Certificates. Dentaljuce is brought to you by the award winning Masters team from the School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, UK. All have won awards for web based learning and teaching and are recognised as leaders and innovators in this field, as well as being highly experienced clinical teachers. Full access to over 150 courses, no extras to pay.

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