Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

Oral Medicine

Oral medicine is concerned with clinical diagnosis and non-surgical management of non-dental pathologies affecting the orofacial region (the mouth and the lower face).

Many systemic diseases have signs or symptoms that manifest in the orofacial region. Pathologically, the mouth may be afflicted by many cutaneous and gastrointestinal conditions. There is also the unique situation of hard tissues penetrating the epithelial continuity (Unlike teeth, hair and nails are actually intra-epithelial tissues). The biofilm that covers teeth therefore causes unique pathologic entities known as plaque-induced diseases.

Example conditions that oral medicine is concerned with are lichen planus, Behçet's disease and pemphigus vulgaris. Moreover, it involves the diagnosis and follow-up of pre-malignant lesions of the oral cavity, such as leukoplakias or erythroplakias and of chronic and acute pain conditions such as paroxysmal neuralgias, continuous neuralgias, myofascial pain, atypical facial pain, autonomic cephalalgias, headaches and migraines.

Another aspect of the field is managing the dental and oral condition of medically compromised patients such as cancer patients suffering from related oral mucositis, bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws or oral pathology related to radiation therapy.

Additionally, it is involved in the diagnosis and management of dry mouth conditions (such as Sjögren's syndrome) and non-dental chronic orofacial pain, such as burning mouth syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia and temporomandibular joint disorder.

If you're not yet a member of Dentaljuce, we highly recommend you to join and gain access to our comprehensive course on Oral Medicine.

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Participant Feedback Review: Oral Medicine

Overall Participant Impression

Participants provided strongly positive feedback about the "Oral Medicine" module, highlighting its comprehensive and practical coverage of key non-dental pathologies. Learners found the content detailed, relevant, and particularly valuable for enhancing clinical practice and patient care.

Key Strengths

Participants particularly valued:

  • A thorough and detailed presentation of important oral medical conditions.
  • Clear and concise guidance on diagnosis and management strategies for various orofacial pathologies, including BMS, Sjögren's, Behçet's, Herpes, Pemphigus, and Candidosis.
  • Practical advice for managing transplant patients and the implications of bisphosphonates.
  • The module’s structured and systematic layout, facilitating easy learning and review.

Specific Positive Comments:

  • "Excellent course with detailed, practice-oriented content."
  • "Very informative, very useful."
  • "Fantastic CPD—highly informative and engaging."
  • "I loved this module. It was very good revision."
  • "Extremely useful information presented clearly and concisely."
  • "A very thorough module that covers all essential topics clearly."
  • "Superb and invaluable module—very helpful in daily clinical practice."
  • "Was a good interactive session with key information. I feel more confident in identifying lesions."
  • "Course was really interesting and practice-oriented. Extremely important information."

Areas for Improvement

Participants suggested minor improvements, including:

  • Increasing the number of clinical images.
  • Including additional quizzes or scenario-based exercises to enhance engagement and retention.

Closed-Question Feedback Summary:

  • Met learning objectives: 98.0% strongly agree/agree
  • Good quality: 96.0% strongly agree/agree
  • Useful & relevant: 97.0% strongly agree/agree
  • Engaging: 93.9% strongly agree/agree
  • Pitched at right level: 93.9% strongly agree/agree
  • Value for money: 91.9% strongly agree/agree

These results illustrate excellent participant satisfaction, reflecting the module’s high quality, relevance, and effective presentation.


The "Oral Medicine" module was highly praised by participants for its detailed, clinically relevant, and practical content, significantly enhancing their ability to manage oral medical conditions effectively. While minor improvements were suggested regarding visual resources and interactive elements, the course was considered extremely valuable overall, boosting confidence and competence in clinical diagnosis and management within dental practice.

Script container

The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this Dentaljuce module is to allow learners to develop their professional knowledge, understanding and competence in oral medical conditions, in line with their identified personal learning requirements.

Course objective

  • to teach the clinical diagnosis and non-surgical management of non-dental pathologies affecting the orofacial region.

Anticipated learning outcomes:

The learner will, with respect to the components that he or she has elected to study as listed below:
  • know how to diagnose and provide appropriate care/management for patients with BMS, Sjogrens, Behcets, Herpes, Pemphigus, Candidosis, and many other orofacial conditions.
  • be able to provide appropriate precautions and pre-operative and post-operative dental care when treating transplant patients.
  • understand the relevance of Bisphosphonates to dental care, and provide appropriate precautions.
  • gain knowledge of the diagnosis and management of many other non-dental pathologies.
  • through achieving these outcomes, provide an improved level of service to their patients.

GDC Development Outcomes
This CPD will support the learner

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

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