Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

Safeguarding Adults Level 2

The Care Act 2014 defines adult safeguarding in the explanatory notes as:

Protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action.

This must recognise that adults sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear or unrealistic about their personal circumstances.

This course provides training at Level 2 in Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults,

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Course Review: Safeguarding Adults Level 2

Participant Feedback Overview

Participants consistently provided positive feedback on Dentaljuce’s online CPD course, "Safeguarding Adults Level 2," highlighting its comprehensive coverage, practical relevance, and engaging presentation style.

Key Strengths

Participants particularly appreciated:

  • Detailed and Comprehensive Content: The course thoroughly covered essential safeguarding principles, including recognising and responding to safeguarding concerns, understanding inter-agency collaboration, and familiarisation with the Care Act 2014 and Mental Capacity Act 2005.
  • Effective Use of Multimedia: The integration of videos alongside written content significantly enhanced engagement and improved the contextual understanding of safeguarding issues.
  • Practical Application: The course effectively equipped participants with the knowledge and confidence required to identify safeguarding concerns in their professional roles, promoting patient safety and well-being.

Specific Positive Comments from Participants

  • "Excellent comprehensive course. Clearly explained and reinforced the need to always be vigilant."
  • "I thought this course was extremely informative, and it is essential to regularly update this knowledge."
  • "Very well organised, particularly liked the NHS videos included—very helpful and thought-provoking."
  • "Informative, essential learning. Reinforced and increased my knowledge. Made me aware that I must be vigilant at all times."
  • "This module was highly informative and well-structured, effectively meeting its objectives."
  • "Engaging and thorough, plenty of information clearly covering all aims of the course."
  • "This knowledge is extremely relevant to my daily work, equipping me with skills to identify signs of abuse or neglect and take appropriate action."

Participants repeatedly emphasised the high value and practicality of the content, appreciating the clear structure and interactive elements.

Closed-Question Feedback Summary

  • Met learning objectives: 95.3% strongly agree/agree
  • Good quality: 93.0% strongly agree/agree
  • Useful & relevant: 94.6% strongly agree/agree
  • Engaging: 90.7% strongly agree/agree
  • Pitched at right level: 90.7% strongly agree/agree

These results clearly indicate strong participant satisfaction, particularly regarding the quality, relevance, and usefulness of the course.

Suggestions for Improvement

Participants suggested minor improvements, such as adding more interactive case scenarios or examples and providing clearer explanations of regional regulatory differences (e.g., differences between CQC in England and Wales).

Overall Impression

Participants highly valued the "Safeguarding Adults Level 2" course as an essential, informative, and engaging educational resource, significantly enhancing their understanding and capabilities in safeguarding vulnerable adults within their professional practice.

Script container

The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this Dentaljuce module is to allow learners to develop their professional knowledge, understanding and competence in safeguarding vulnerable adults, in line with their identified personal learning requirements.

Course objective

  • to update members of the dental team with current best practice in Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults.

Anticipated learning outcomes:

The learner will, with respect to the components that he or she has elected to study as listed below:
  • Know how to recognise, respond to and how to share safeguarding concerns.
  • Understand how to contribute to inter-agency assessment by gathering and sharing information.
  • Have a clear understanding of how vulnerable adults can be helped to access support.
  • Understand the requirements of the Care Act 2014.
  • Understand the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
  • through achieving these outcomes, provide an improved level of service to their patients.

GDC Development Outcomes
This CPD will support the learner in meeting the following GDC Development Outcome(s): A, B, D.

5 stars
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2 stars
1 star

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