Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

Preventing Tooth Wear

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Welcome to this Dentaljuce course on Tooth Wear, much of which references the "Delivering better oral health" toolkit provided by NHS England.

This course looks in depth into effective strategies to mitigate the risks of abrasion, erosion, and attrition, three primary causes of tooth wear. Emphasising a proactive approach, it covers methods to minimise acidic exposure in the diet, techniques to reduce excessive force during brushing, and the importance of addressing habits like bruxism that contribute to attrition.

Prevention also includes educating patients about the early signs of wear and the role of regular dental check-ups in monitoring and managing these conditions. By integrating these preventative measures into dental practice, professionals can play a very important role in preserving patients’ dental health and preventing the progression of tooth wear.

The course is focused on prevention of tooth wear: for restoration of worn teeth check out our courses on Direct Restorations, Indirect Restorations, and Clinical Cases, all included in the membership fee.

If you're not yet a member of Dentaljuce, we highly recommend you to join and gain access to our comprehensive course on Tooth Wear.

This course, along with over 100 other CPD courses, is available for a single membership payment.

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