Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

Auditing your antibiotic prescriptions

Dental practitioners are expected by regulatory authorities to audit their prescription of antibiotics regularly, to ensure their prescribing patterns comply with professional guidelines.

The guidelines issued in 2020 by the FGDP - now replaced by CGDent - the College of General Dentistry - were updated to reflect the increasing importance of antimicrobial stewardship, and superceded the more relaxed 2016 guidelines issued by SDCEP more….

With increasing bacterial resistance, many antibiotics once used by GDPs are now reserved for use in secondary care only, with the involvement of a medical microbiologist or infectious diseases specialist. Others are reserved only for people who have allergies, intolerances or drug interactions with the first-line antibiotics like penicillin V/VK and amoxicillin.

This online audit app allows you to enter the details of the prescriptions you or your team have made, and reports on how well the CGDent guidelines have been met.

You can use it to enter each prescription you make when you make it, or go through your records and enter them retrospectively.

The app marks your management of infection, sepsis and prophylaxis according to the CGDent guidelines, and provides an audit report suggesting actions you can take to improve your performance.

It also provides a decision support tool for when you are about to consider prescribing an antibiotic.

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