Direct Restorations
Dentsply SDR - Smart Dentin Replacement
Restoration for failed fissure sealant

Before & After: Click to magnify
SDR is a flowable bulk filler for posterior teeth from Dentsply. It allows light penetration for curing up to 4mm at a time. Polymerisation shrinkage is 3.5%, comparable to other flowables, but less than many hybrid composites. . Dentsply claim that the marginal stress caused by polymerisation shrinkage is around 1.5 MPa - substantially less than other composites, so the chance of marginal leakage is greatly reduced.
After bulk filling with SDR, a 2mm "capping layer" of aesthetic composite is placed on top of the SDR.
This allows the bulk of a cavity to be filled in one step, with less chance of problems due to voids / poor adaptation.

Slide Show: Failed sealant replacement