Enhanced Verifiable CPD from the
University of Birmingham

Direct Restorations
Porcelain Repair

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Video Lecture

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"Porcelain" restorations like veneers crowns and bridges can fracture. The fracture can be partial thickness, or fully through to reveal the underlying tooth (or metal-work). The clinician needs to decide whether repair is indicated: often a complete replacement is better.

Some clinicians enjoy the convenience of ready made kits: Ultradent and Optident provide Porcelain Repair Kits.

Slide show: Porcelain Repair

What is the importance of analysing the occlusion before undertaking a repair?

What materials can be used to etch porcelain?

What ceramics can not be etched?

What does the etch do?

What is the problem with using Hydrofluoric Acid in the mouth? How are the risks reduced?

What additional ways are there of increasing the surface area for bonding? What is the disadvantage of doing this?

When checking the shade of composite to be used, why is the composite cured?

How does silane (more properly, a Silane Coupling Agent) work?

What chemical is commonly used in dentistry as a silane coupling agent?

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